Log In Wireframe

For this project, my partner and I created a wireframe of the log in process in an email website. Each page shows the step-by-step process, including the fail and success versions.

Website Eye-tracking


For this project everyone in class got into groups of two. The assignment was that two people team up and show a website to each other. Then each person had to monitor his/her partner’s eye movement and hand movement on two or more pages on the site and show it with a heatmap.

“SCARface King”

Pretty self-explanitory… always wanted to try making this type of vid, enjoy!



For this project I had to take a piece of a photograph, and make a pattern with it. I found a photo of a tiger on the internet, then I used the tiger’s face to make a pattern. Then I inverted the image to make a checker-board pattern.

Book Covers


This was the final assignment for the class. The professor assigned a story to read and then make two versions of a cover for it. For the first version, I made a cover with an illustration and for the second version, I made a more simple design.



For this project I had to take images out of the image file provided by the Professor, and use them to illustrate lyrics from a song. I used some of the provided images, I used the zoom and cropping tools on them. Then I added color.



For this project I had to take a picture of a product and make two types of advertisements for it: one that targets an adult audience and one that targets a younger audience. For the adult version, I used a black & white background and type. For the younger audience version, I used colors and re-shaped the text.



For the second project, the assignment was to create print ads to inform people of the team Nets moving from New Jersey to Brooklyn, NY. I came up with the idea to put a basketball court in three major landmarks around Coney Island in Brooklyn.

Billboards & Promo


For this project the class had to create three different billboards for Preparation H and one promotional object. For the billboards I created three similar designs with three different headlines relating to traffic and the product itself. For the promo, I decided to create a fictitious automobile that would advertise the product and it would be illustrated on a bumper sticker.



This was the first assignment for this class. The class had to create their submissions to the One Show college competition. The subject was Global Warming. I decided to create simple designs with a powerful message.